Tuesday, January 15, 2013

The Flu hits our big old house, save me!

WOW, Today is one of those days. Oddly enough everybody but me is sick! I've spent close to an hour so far giving medicine and OJ and tea, and crackers, cleaning puke and so on. I am looking to fix the horror channel that is not working correctly lately. I am feeling distanced from everything, and everyone. I always get this way during the winter tho. Laundry and diapers, potty training too, what on earth is a mommy to do? Disinfect, keep my hands clean because if I catch this illness this house is through. Little rhyme in my head. I'm not all there right now. Sprout on one tv and Nickelodeon on the other, babies in my bed, on the couch, sleeping and moaning like it's a horror movie. I do what I can to help them, but they are just going to have to brave it through, which sucks, because I know I will end up getting it too. Coughing, sore throats, upset bellies, achy and fevers. I am the Pumpkin Queen tho, I can do anything. Wish that involved sleep because I am so dang tired. I hope this day goes by fast! I'm sure my sickies do too. Love and Light, Brightest blessings that you too don't have to deal with this horrific flu!

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